Orient-Express Hotels owns or invested in 45 hotels, restaurants, itineraries on railroads and river cruises in 22 countries of the world. It launched the Orient-Express Associate Hotels program, which is dedicated to independent luxury hotels. The first hotel to join the network is the Hôtel du Palais of Biarritz.
Orient-Express refuses purchasing offer of 1.2 billion euros
The Orient Express board refused the public purchasing offer of the Charme Investments fund of Montezemolo and the group falling under The Indian Hotels. This one holds a 6.9% share of the tourist-hotel society of Cipriani In Venice, Villa San Michele in Florence, Splendido of Portofino and Caruso of Ravello. The amount of 1.2 billion euros was considered insufficient and the news caused a 10% decrease in the Orient Express stock at the Nyse.